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Quince tree - charcoal and linseed on paper
Bikes - charcoal and linseed oil on paper
Patricia - charcoal and linseed oil on paper
Garden chairs- charcoal with linseed oil on paper
Quince tree - charcoal and linseed oil on paper
Norig dying her weft - charcoal and linseed oil on paper
Norig - charcoal and linseed oil on paper
Asia in the kitchen - charcoal and linseed oil on paper
Norig on the pedal loom - charcoal and linseed oil on paper
Busy afternoon in the garden - charcoal and linseed oil on paper
Lacaneau Residency 2022 was organized by Norig Dodier in Lacanneau, France.
The aim of the residency was to reunite artist through the act of weaving.
Two common weaves are created during the one week residency as well as personnal works from the participants:
Patricia Mascarell-Lombart, Daniel Lobos, Nikki Swartz, Asia Kislev, Fieke Ruitinga, Norig Dodier, Lucile Haefflinger